The Ministry of Transport has prepared amendments for the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO) which will enter into force since January, 1st, 2012. It concerns the penalty for absence of navigating system GLONASS on commercial and special transport. Such an offence will cost drivers 2.5 thousand rubles, and transportation companies will have to pay 30 thousand rubles.
The fines will be imposed so far only on the owners of vehicles which are transporting passengers, or dealing with dangerous, heavy and (or) large-sized cargoes. The presence of a GLONASS system navigator will be checked on these vehicles on the points of official checkup of motor vehicles since July, 1st, 2012.
The GLONASS System (GLObal NAvigating Satellite System) allows tracing movement of any technics (cars, trucks, yachts, boats etc.) which are equipped with a device transmitting a signal to the satellite. This is of particular relevance for drivers-truckers. Almost 20 thousand robberies occur on Russian roads every year. For example, if a truck equipped with GLONASS system is attacked, the police knows about the armed capture already in a second. The Control Centre reports the crime to police squads. At the Control point they can operate the squads which are close to the crime scene in a real time mode. Such system will protect the car from stealing better than any alarm system.