ROSTAR announces the recall of torque rod 1502-2919012-10 (V-rod for HOWO automobiles).
ROSTAR appeals to truck drivers, who have already mounted this rod: in order to replace the rod you should call to the retail shop where you bought it.
If you have questions concerning production quality you can address ROSTAR directly, using the below mentioned contacts data.
The reason for the recall was a customer claim about closing ring popping out. We improved rod design– the closing ring configuration was renewed.
This is the single instance of non-conformity happened during the production of this item.
ROSTAR is the leader in design and production of torque rods: at present moment there are 90 types of self-designed torque rods, intended for commercial vehicles – both for domestic market and for import. We appreciate your trust!
Warranty Engineer
Tel.: (8-8552)- 77-86-72 add. 449;
Mob.: +7-927-248-44-15;
Chebanenko Vasiliy